Down under attitudes to Crime
The US and Britain administration are bailing out, not the companies, but the victims!
The New Zealand Government could do the same and recover from the fraudsters and the greedy finance company beneficiaries and their hierarchy. But currently it is the fraudsters who our administration is protecting.
With the ‘down under’ mentality - our administration chose to dismiss victims and pamper villains. Its in their culture! They talk a formidable talk but fail to make the formidable walk.
It appears that in New Zealand, administration take the literal meaning of ‘down under’ or are they actually thinking ‘upside down ? Whatever it is they are out of touch with reality. They are not looking after the hand that feeds them - Taxpayers/Savers/hard workers/decent people in Society.
Street crime and white collar crime victims get a rough deal and are disrespected. This disrespect breeds at the top, so there is little hope for New Zealand if those who lead by example treat victims with such contempt.
Are our leading shining stars continuing to support an already developed culture of protecting the perpetrators - and contributing to the attitudes of blaming victims?
(Because of purse snatches, woman are being told not to carry purses!)
While our leaders have blamed investors for being greedy, we have never heard them attack those who are living off investor’s funds and enjoying millions of dollars that came from hard working New Zealanders savings.
Because human nature is drawn to shock value - World wide, the media philosophy is “If it bleeds it lead’s”.
Interested as journalist are in white collar crime, it is hard for the media to deliver a story that shows the devastation that white collar crime brings to our nation. As a society we rush to watch the evening news to engage in our daily dose of shock treatment.
Politicians are media savvy – they react when they know the country will be up in arms, but it is hard to get a country up in arms about white collar crime because it is invisible - an internal bleed. No drama and no entertainment factor.
Until we have leadership that changes its culture to being like those above the equator - New Zealand’s own beauty will continue to diminish. As time goes by and victims of the financial collapse are ignored , the suffering will blur our vision and hinder our motivation. The neglect of our people hinders our reasons for contributing gracefully to society. Investors currently live the nightmare where the efforts of hard work and decent living has been stolen.
Let those who suffer from greed be the ones who bleed and are stopped by those who lead.