Study Shows Recession Hurting Kiwi Marriages

Impact PR

Tuesday 10 February 2009, 10:35AM

By Impact PR


One in four New Zealand women say the current economic environment is having a detrimental effect on their relationship.

The K-Y Brand Intimacy Survey conducted by Consumer Link (Colmar Brunton) investigated the state of Kiwi relationships. Respondents said the current economic downturn had negatively impacted their love lives.

A quarter of Kiwi women said the fallout from the global recession had reduced intimacy levels in their relationships. Nearly a fifth of men surveyed (19%) agreed that financial stress had put a dampener on romance.

The good news is that Kiwi men want to rediscover their inner Prince Charming with more than three-quarters of them saying they won’t be cutting back on their spending this Valentine’s Day, despite harsher economic times.

Kiwi men said they wanted “more intimacy” with their partner and 27% (more than one in four) said romance was top of their list this Valentine’s Day. This was followed by a card (25%) and chocolates and flowers (20%).

And just what do men mean when they say they want greater intimacy? Nearly a fifth of men (19%) said the best way their partner could show them they were loved was by creating more romance in the bedroom!

When it came to the ultimate Valentine’s Day treat for women “greater intimacy” came in second to chocolates and flowers (26%) and equal to a card on 13%. Jewellery and lingerie closely followed on 11%.

Notes to Editors

The K-Y Brand Intimacy Survey is made up of a random telephone sample of 500 respondents nationwide. The survey talked to New Zealand men and women married or in a committed relationship about their perceptions of intimacy levels within their relationships and was conducted by Consumer Link – a division of Colmar Brunton.


Other results from the survey:

When asked – “How could your partner better express intimacy towards you?”

Top of the wish list for females and males in a committed relationship is hugs on 40% and 33% respectively. Next most desired by females was gifts on 13% and kisses on 11%. More romance in the bedroom was rated last on 6%

After hugs, men in a committed relationship were most after more romance in the bedroom as a way of their partner showing them more intimacy 19%. This was followed by gifts 11% and kisses 9%.