Farewell to Jeanette

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Monday 23 February 2009, 6:23PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


“With the news that Jeanette Fitzsimons is to resign as the Green Party’s Co-Leader, the Green Party now stands at a crossroads,” says Frank Brenmuhl, Federated Farmers climate change spokesperson.


“While Jeanette and the Federation have been at different ends on many issues, we never for one moment doubted her conviction. Being a small block holder herself, Jeanette knew the difference between a bull and a cow and that really helps with your credibility.


“Whoever emerges as the Green Party’s new Co-Leader, they must realise that New Zealand’s farmers are not the enemy but instead, an important part of a global solution to a changing climate.


“Simply put, New Zealand’s farmers act globally by farming locally. What Federated Farmers wishes to talk about is a new deal from the Greens for their view on farmers and farming.


“We all have to change but we need to see that the Green’s are prepared to shift from a blinkered ideology and open their eyes to new possibilities. A fresh look at the now suspended Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) would be a great first start.


“Why kneecap our efficiency by being the only country on earth to include farm animals in an emissions trading scheme? The only ones who’d smile about this would be the subsidised farmers in Europe and the United States, who’d profit twice at our expense. First from the subsidy then secondly from the market share as production is throttled back in New Zealand to meet ETS targets.


“It’s interesting that Canada has just walked out of its Kyoto commitments without as much as a whimper from the rest of the world. This contradicts the images of economic doom and pariah status put up by the Greens if New Zealand were ever to follow suit.


“Federated Farmers isn’t saying New Zealand ought to, but the global financial meltdown has left governments grappling with more basic priorities. From a reliable gas supply in Eastern Europe to basic economic survival in Iceland.


“We hope the Green’s new Co-Leader will focus on seeking scientific solutions rather than the punitive approach they have favoured to date. The vision the Green’s currently have for New Zealand agriculture will impact on the living standard of every New Zealander while increasing global emissions. That doesn’t make much sense.


“The simple fact is that farmers run complex ecosystems called farms. The Federation hopes the next Green Co-Leader will understand this,” Mr Brenmuhl concluded.