Our Sea Needs You!

New Plymouth District Council

Thursday 26 February 2009, 10:16AM

By New Plymouth District Council



Seaweek 2009 will see volunteers taking to the district’s beaches to clear them of rubbish.

And everyone is welcome to lend a hand.

“Helping clear our beaches of plastic, cans, bottles and other rubbish is a great way for people to make a tangible difference to their local environment,” says Manager Parks Mark Bruhn.

“Every piece of rubbish we remove means one fewer piece that could be swallowed by marine animals, or injure animals or plants.

“It also means our beaches are safer for people to enjoy.

“So if anyone wants to take part, they can just turn up and we’ll provide them with gloves and a bag for the rubbish.”

The beach clean-ups are:

Waitara Beach, at midday on Monday 2 March. Meet at Waitara West Beach car park, Marine Park.
Lower Petone Road/Okato Beach, at 12.30pm on Tuesday 3 March. Meet at Fort St George on Lower Petone Rd.
Fitzroy/East End beaches, at 12.30pm on Thursday 5 March. Meet by the Blue Flag at the Fitzroy Beach car park.
Bell Block Beach, at 12.30pm on Friday 6 March. Meet at the car park at the end of Mangati Rd.
Any groups or organisations wishing to take part should contact either New Plymouth District Council or the Department of Conservation before the clean-ups so that sufficient supplies of gloves and bags can be arranged.