Community Irrigation Fund scope expanded

David Carter

Monday 2 March 2009, 6:28PM

By David Carter


The Government is giving the green light to local government agencies developing water strategies that look at rural water infrastructure to apply for grants from the Community Irrigation Fund (CIF).

The CIF helps agricultural producers and rural communities with the transaction costs of raising support for new community water storage and irrigation schemes. However, local government-led initiatives looking at water management strategies have previously been excluded from the Fund.

"The message came through loud and clear at the Water Infrastructure Forum held in Christchurch in December that this had to change, and I made a commitment to act on it," says Agriculture Minister David Carter.

"It is clear that the best way to deal with the issues of sustainable water management is through a co-ordinated, strategic approach involving central government, local government and communities working together.

"Expanding the eligibility and assessment criteria of the CIF, and increasing the allocated funding available in the early years, means local government-led water strategies can be part of this process.

"An ad hoc approach on the development of water infrastructure, allocation and water management initiatives is now not an option," Mr Carter says.