Have your say on plans for Whitford Village
Whitford residents are being reminded to have their say on a proposed district plan change that would allow future development of Whitford Village.
The proposed plan change remains open for public submissions until 27 March. Go to www.manukau.govt.nz/whitfordplanchange or call 262 5104 to find out how to make a submission.
The plan change would allow limited further development of the existing residential and business areas of the village. Development of a new residential area on the land south of the village and up to Saleyard Road is also proposed.
A pedestrian linkage is proposed between the existing houses and the proposed new residential area to the south.
If approved the plan change would provide for an extra 430 residents in the village.
The council has taken a "design-led" approach to the plan change to make sure any development is high quality and maintains a special village character. A key part of the plan change is the design guidelines for development, for example making sure streets cater well for pedestrians and buildings work well with each other and the environment.
The proposed plan change would allow limited growth within the boundaries formed by existing roads (Whitford Park Road and Saleyard Road) and the Turanga Creek. In detail:-
· The existing Business 1 and Business 5 Zones and some sites in the Residential Settlement Unserviced Zone are to be rezoned Whitford Business Zone. The new zone is similar to the Business 1 Zone but with additional guidance and direction on urban design provided by special guidelines that form part of the plan change.
· An existing area of Residential Settlement Unserviced Zone is to be rezoned from Residential Settlement Unserviced Zone to Whitford Residential Zone with additional guidance and direction on urban design provided by the guidelines.
· The area between Whitford Park Road, Saleyard Road, Turanga Creek and the existing residential area is to be rezoned from Rural 1 Zone to Whitford Saleyard Residential Zone. This area will have the same average residential density as the Whitford Residential Zone, but, subject to strict guidelines, the zoning will allow a higher intensity of development within larger areas of open space.
· Some areas around the margins of the Turanga Creek are to be designated and rezoned to Public Open Space Zone 5.
· Future development in the Whitford Village must be based on reticulated wastewater services being available. The plan change makes provision nearby land on the southern corner of Whitford Park Road and Sandstone Road for a land-based wastewater disposal system.
A full copy of the proposed plan change can be inspected at Manukau City Council libraries, the Citizen and Customer Centre at Kotuku House in Manukau Square or at www.manukau.govt.nz/whitfordplanchange.