New Community Space for Wadestown

Wellington City Council

Monday 9 March 2009, 4:14PM

By Wellington City Council



Wadestown residents will soon have a new place to call home for their community meetings, events and information.

The Wadestown Community Space will be opened by Mayor Kerry Prendergast this Saturday 14 March at the Wadestown library on the corner of Lennel Road and Moorhouse Street.

The Council's Social Portfolio Leader, Councillor Ngaire Best, said the integrated approach to community facilities is a first for Wellington and that this approach could be used in other locations across the city.

"We're creating a focal point for the local community. This will be a space for people to come and meet, hold events and find out more about the city and the Council. All this and the wonderful resources of the library as well!"

The opening of the community space follows other recent changes in the Wadestown library. The Wadestown Community Coordinator, Louise Davies, has established an office there, and some shelves have had wheels added to them to make them moveable and the space more flexible. The community space has also been redecorated in time for the opening.

Local ward councillor and Wadestown resident, Jo Coughlan, says bringing the community space and the library together makes sense.

"It will give library users a comfortable space to sit and community groups a place to meet, and should encourage more people to use the library and community space. This has been a long time coming and is all about strengthening the heart of the Wadestown community."

The community space is available to hire for meetings and small events. Tea and coffee-making facilities, and chairs, tables and a whiteboard are available.

The opening will coincide with the Wadestown Village Fair, so it's sure to be a busy day in Wadestown on Saturday.