New start for ACC
ACC Minister Nick Smith today announced the appointment of former Ernst & Young Chief Executive John Judge as the new chair of the board of ACC replacing Ross Wilson.
"ACC needs a fresh start. John Judge brings a strong background in financial management and governance that will be essential to addressing the serious funding issues facing ACC.
"I am not satisfied that the current board has the right skills to navigate this very large enterprise out of financial trouble and I intend to make further changes to strengthen ACC's governance and lead a new strategic direction.
"I am considering in consultation with the new chair issues of Board continuity and I am leaving open the option of some of the current board members being re-appointed. The new board will be in place by the end of March.
"The Government is committed to securing the future of ACC and the 24/7 no-fault insurance model. Strengthening the board is the first step - changes to legislation and policy will also be required."