Maori lose rights and Minister silenced on RMA reform

Green Party

Wednesday 11 March 2009, 6:05PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling for Maori rights under the Resource Management Act (RMA) to be protected.
Under proposed changes to the RMA, Maori will have their right to appeal council plans restricted. For example, if a council allows sewage discharge over kai moana beds, Maori will no longer have a right to appeal, said Green Party Maori Spokesperson Metiria Turei.

“The Minister for the Environment said in the House today that restrictions on Maori appeal rights is ‘about right’ which is shocking. We call on the Maori Party to protect these rights from the National Party that clearly doesn’t care,” said Mrs Turei.

“I am very concerned that iwi seeking Customary Rights Orders will be prevented by the proposed RMA reforms from defending their rights in court against council plans.

“Fundamental Maori rights should not be discretionary. They should be guaranteed. The argument that the Environment Court can still grant leave for appeals to be heard does not wash.”

The Government moved in Parliament today to stop the Minister of Maori Affairs answering questions on how Maori interests will be affected by the RMA reforms and the Foreshore and Seabed Review.
Mrs Turei said the move was wrong: “The Minister of Maori Affairs has the responsibility to speak in Parliament about reforms that affect Maori. Maori deserve to hear from their Minister and not have him sidelined by a defensive Government working to take their rights away.”

Under proposed RMA reforms, the Conservation Minister would also lose his decision-making powers over coastal areas, Mrs Turei said, on such issues as marina construction and sewerage discharge. “These decisions will be left up to councils and the danger is that the public and Maori will be shut out.”