All a Twitter about New Zealand

Tourism New Zealand

Sunday 22 March 2009, 10:53AM

By Tourism New Zealand


New Zealand is at the centre of a tweet-fest on social networking website Twitter, thanks to the exploits of the world’s first Twitch-hiker.

British journalist Paul Smith is making his way to New Zealand and is relying solely on the goodwill of Twitter users to get him here, put a roof over his head and show him around the country.

Since leaving the UK on 1 March he has already travelled via Amsterdam, Paris, Germany and the US, and - thanks to Air New Zealand - is due to arrive in Auckland on Monday morning.

While the many non-Twitter-users among us may now be very confused, this has in fact been big news in the UK and US. Paul Smith appeared on the ABC Network's Good Morning America this week and has more than 8,500 ‘followers’ on Twitter.

Twitter is the latest social networking tool making news in the UK and North America. The concept of Twitter is allowing people to stay connected through answers to the question "What are you doing right now?"

Tourism New Zealand Chief Executive George Hickton says the Twitch-hiker’s visit to New Zealand presents an opportunity to gain positive media coverage about New Zealand and our spirit of manaakitanga (or hospitality).

"The longer we can keep Mr Smith in New Zealand and the more we can get him to experience while he is here, the better.

"The Twitch-hiker is only accepting offers of transport and accommodation that are made to him via Twitter from other Twitter-users, so I encourage operators here in New Zealand to get online and invite him to experience their products and services."


Visit the Twitch-hiker online at or

Watch TV3's Campbell Live story on the Twitter phenomenon, including an interview with the Twitch-hiker himself.