Job Summit Work Streams

Monday 23 March 2009, 12:28PM

By Gerry Brownlee



The Minister for Economic Development, the Hon Gerry Brownlee, says good progress is being made on the six work streams he has been allocated by the Prime Minister following the Jobs Summit.

The Minister held a series of discussions in Wellington today with private sector leaders to further develop job summit initiatives.

"Work programmes have been established and officials have been assigned to service the work of the committees, and a report back deadline of April 1st 2009 has been set," said Mr Brownlee.

"There are some very encouraging prospects for job growth being developed," he said.

"And I look forward to receiving full reports from each of the work streams on the some very innovative ideas they are working on," said Brownlee.

The Minister for Economic Development has been assigned as lead minister for six work streams.

1: Actively managing regulatory approval process for complex and/or major projects.

2: Target and attract offshore investment and entrepreneurial migrants.

3: Improve SME access to working capital.

4: Accelerate energy, environmental and water initiatives that open up opportunities for employment and productivity

5: Revamp business assistance schemes.

6: Accelerate major infrastructural projects in Auckland.