Stop Smoking Effectively

Charity Matters

Tuesday 24 March 2009, 3:23PM

By Charity Matters



To effectively stop smoking, change must take place on physical, mental, emotional and behaviour level.

By assisting the body to remove chemical toxins and changing how a person is triggered to smoke, stopping smoking becomes easy.

Developers of the “Stop Smoking Get Healthy Now”, Pauline Young and Selwyn Wong Doo, says “People are individuals with their own unique set of thinking and behaviour patterns. We believe that only by custom designing and personalising to meet individual needs that a person can give up smoking easily. This means without replacing one addictive habit with another, stop smoking without the “grumpiness and moodiness” and avoid replacing smoking with habits such eating to compensate”.

In conjunction with the Botany Town Centre smoke free initiative, Pauline and Selwyn are offering free seminars and demonstrations to people interested in becoming healthier, fitter as well as having more disposable income.

With the average price of a pack of cigarettes $11.40, it’s not uncommon for a person to spend over $75.00 a week on cigarettes, that’s a whopping $300 per month, $3,600 per year.

Pauline say’s “People have varying reasons for wanting to quit smoking, and with the economy the way it is, people are concerned about job security, with this can come health issues related to stress; wondering where money is going to come from; and if they can afford to keep smoking.

Pauline added “If there are 2 smokers in a family, the annual savings if both were to quit it is likely to save over $7,000 which will go a long way to help them cope with rising costs, and potential loss of income due to one lost job.

“Some overseas studies have shown that people who receive a financial incentive to quit smoking have a greater chance of remaining smoke free, with the Stop Smoking Get Healthy Now programme there is no direct cash incentive, what there is, is the tools to help people quit, and at the end of the road is the opportunity for people to save dramatically on their weekly outgoings.”

With Stop Smoking Get Healthy Now, people can quit and not have the added stress over the fear of quitting.

About the developers of the “Stop Smoking Get Healthy Now” Programme

Pauline Young
Pauline specialises in changing the thinking, information processing and communication patterns which limit her client's success. With more than 19 years experience in the field, she offers her clients sustainable change enabling them to achieve their goals and outcomes easily and effectively. She is the principal coach and training at Mapping Human Minds and author of a number of NLP related self study courses including "Changing Habits Made Easy", 3 minute Powernap & Sleep Easily. Clients appreciate her warm and caring along with her ability to be practical in her coaching and training approach.

Selwyn Wong Doo
Selwyn is willing to listen, learn and be taught despite his 35 years of experience. His wicked and quick sense of humour is well received by his clients. He has a caring nature with his client, is jovial; has a willingness to work and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He is able to communicate with humour and wit. Selwyn is co-owner of the Wong Doo Health Clinic

For further information contact

Pauline Young
Stop Smoking Get Healthy Now & Mapping Human Minds

Ph.  64 (0)9 297-7787