Government says no timetable on live sheep exports

David Carter

Wednesday 25 March 2009, 9:04AM

By David Carter


Agriculture Minister David Carter says the export of live sheep for slaughter will not resume unless strict animal welfare standards are met and New Zealand's reputation as a responsible exporter is maintained.


"The Green Party's claim that the lifting of a six-year moratorium on live sheep exports opens the way for live sheep exports to resume from around June is blatantly inaccurate and irresponsible," says Mr Carter.


"There was never a planned timeline. New Zealand stopped livestock exports to Saudi Arabia following the 2003 Cormo Express incident. Since then, Saudi Arabia has been negotiating towards a bilateral arrangement with New Zealand to re-open the way for the export of live sheep for slaughter.


"These negotiations are continuing, and there is no set timetable for completion.


"The fact is the export of livestock - sheep, cattle, deer and goats - for slaughter will remain prohibited unless New Zealand is totally satisfied that that the highest animal welfare and animal safety standards are met.


"Our ongoing negotiations with Saudi Arabia aim to establish clear veterinary, transportation, quarantine and arrival processing guidelines.


"This includes specific provision to guarantee the offloading of sheep - to prevent the risk of a repeat of the Cormo Express incident - and restricting trade to supply of commercial slaughter houses."