Important notice to Tauranga sports clubs

Wednesday 25 March 2009, 10:42AM

By Tauranga City Council




From now on Tauranga City Council requires sports clubs to use industry approved line marking paint only when marking sports fields until further notice.

Club representatives are invited to discuss this at the next Sports User Forum meeting 6pm, Wednesday 15th April, Te Awanui Harbour Room, Tauranga City Council, Willow Street.

Council also requests that club representatives phone 577 7000 to tell us about your club's specific line marking requirements.

Notice to Sport Clubs here - this notice has been distributed to all sports clubs.

Late last year Tauranga City Council adopted a policy that the community had called for to limit and monitor the use of agrichemicals on all council managed properties.

Since then we have been setting up protocols and systems with our city contractors to manage the requirements of the new policy.

The policy states that no agrichemicals are to be used on sports fields except by licensed handlers and subject to specific conditions. We know that most sports clubs mix agrichemicals (like Round Up) with the paint that they use to mark lines on sports fields.

Council staff are working on ways to best manage this issue in a way that clubs and Council can move forward under the new policy