Greater Wellington seeks submissions on the proposed Regional Policy Statement

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Friday 27 March 2009, 9:13AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Greater Wellington is asking for public submissions on its proposed Regional Policy Statement, which sets out how we will sustainably manage our region's natural and physical resources.

Theproposed Regional Policy Statement has been shaped by detailed work in collaboration with other councils in our region and extensive feedback on the draft document released last year.

It outlines issues of regional significance that have an impact on our land, air, water, soil, energy and ecosystems, including issues of significance for iwi, and sets out what needs to be achieved (objectives) and how this will be achieved (policies and methods).

"Regional and district council plans need to give effect to the Regional Policy Statement, so the contents of this document will ultimately have a direct bearing on how people manage their properties and how councils manage their physical environments," Regional Chair Fran Wilde says.

"Many believe that our planet has reached a tipping point in terms of the sustainability of life. Even if that is not the case, there is clear evidence that boundless consumption has depleted or damaged physical resources to the extent that we must fundamentally change our approach to the environment if we want to continue with reasonable living standards in the future.

"Now with the world also in major recession it is tempting to forget about environmental needs and focus on economic measures. But previous experience tells us that this is neither a sensible nor a necessary trade-off.

"Environmental and economic progress in the 21st century both demand that we use our resources more sensibly, especially those in limited supply or those which are highly valued. This Regional Policy Statement represents a turning point in how we'll approach these difficult decisions.

"However, we know that behaviour changes are most likely to occur if they spring from knowledge and belief rather than regulation. Thus, even if the Regional Policy Statement was not required by law, the worsening state of the global environment would be a compelling reason for us to be having these sorts of discussions and making these sorts of proposals.

"It's important that we continue to have feedback on these proposals before the document is finalised, so please read it carefully and take advantage of this opportunity to help us shape the future of the Wellington region."

Download the complete proposed Regional Policy Statement 2009 or the individual sections. A copy of the proposed Regional Policy Statement can also be viewed at any library in the Wellington region, or obtained free of charge from Greater Wellington. If you would like a hard copy and/or a CD, please contact the publications officer on 04 801 1094, or email

Making a submission

By writing a submission, you are providing Greater Wellington with your own insights, observations and opinions about this proposed Regional Policy Statement and the final form it should take. Any person may make a submission on any part of the proposed Regional Policy Statement.

Submissions need to be relevant, clear, concise, and accurate. Consider listing your submission's recommendations or summing up its main points. It's important to note that submissions are not votes. Their significance comes from their content, not from the number of submissions expressing similar views.

The closing date for submissions is 4.00 pm, Monday 25 May 2009. Download a submission form

Please address your submission to Freepost 118112, proposed Regional Policy Statement, Greater Wellington Regional Council, PO Box 11646, Wellington 6142.