Council asks for feedback on citys 10 year plan

Hamilton City Council

Friday 27 March 2009, 9:47AM

By Hamilton City Council



Each council in New Zealand is required to produce a document which outlines its plans over a 10-year period. It examines proposed activities, their costs, how they will be paid for and how they benefit the community. The Plan is then re-examined every three years. The overall objective is to deliver a balanced and affordable response to the city’s environmental, social, cultural and economic well-being.

Hamilton’s 2009-19 LTCCP looks at the key issues facing the city over the next 10 years and examines the responses and options that Council is proposing.

The four key responses outlined in the plan are:

1.Prioritising Projects

2.Managing Growth Costs

3.Determining Service Levels and Operating Costs

4.Keeping Rates Affordable

Hamilton Mayor Bob Simcock says that given the current economic climate it has been a tough plan to devise and that Council has had to grapple with difficult choices during its deliberations for the plan.

“Hamilton is a city filled with high aspirations and great ideas, yet we must remain realistic in terms of what is fair and affordable in tough economic times. The proposed plan aims to strike an affordable balance for the city by recognising the short term operating environment while allowing for long-term outcomes.”

The community has the opportunity to examine the plan and discuss the issues with Councillors and staff at the upcoming YourCity Expo, to be held on Saturday April 4 at the Celebrating Age Centre on Victoria Street. The expo will run from 10am to 2.30pm.

Mayor Bob Simcock will be giving a presentation, outlining the plan and discussing the current environment and influences which shape the proposal. The presentation will take place at 12.30pm.

Other ways the community are able to engage in the consultation process are:

LTCCP Summary

Review the LTCCP summary document which will be delivered to all households on April 1st. The summary includes a submission form.

Full document

The full document is available from any Hamilton Library or from the Council Building at Garden Place.

It is also available online at

Online Submissions

Also at Submissions can also be received by email at or faxed to 07 838 6464.


A Facebook page called “I am remotely aware of and somewhat interested in Hamilton’s long term plan” has been set up to collect informal community feedback. It encourages those who may feel reluctant to engage in a formal submission process to leave thoughts and ideas which will be incorporated into a report to Council when the consultation period closes.

Mayoral presentation

In addition to the presentation at the YourCity Expo Mayor Bob Simcock will be making a special presentation on Monday, April 6 at the Celebrating Age Centre from 5.30pm to 7pm.

Submissions to the Hamilton LTCCP 2009-19 must be received no later than Tuesday 21 April 2009.