Minister Releases Report Of Royal Commission

Saturday 28 March 2009, 6:45AM

By Rodney Hide


Local Government Minister Rodney Hide today released the Report of the Royal Commission into Auckland Governance.

"This is an important matter for Auckland. And it is vital for New Zealand."

He said the Government wants to make Auckland the most exciting, vibrant metropolitan centre in Australasia:

* A region that attracts people and investment.

* A region that has first class infrastructure and lifestyle.

* A region that will encourage our children and grandchildren to build their futures in New Zealand.

"We're working to a tight timetable. I will be providing an update to Cabinet on Monday and the Government will continue working on the Report as a matter of urgency next week. We hope to be able to announce our response within two weeks.

"The Report is a comprehensive series of documents and the Government anticipates there will be considerable debate about it.

"I can see merit in having one Auckland organisation to drive, manage and be responsible for all planning and delivery of services.

"The proposals around management of assets, including water and wastewater, appear well thought through. Having one organisation manage all the regional assets makes a lot of sense.

"However, I have some concerns about whether the report provides for adequate local representation in our many diverse communities, and I want to look more closely at this issue.

"It's important to get Auckland governance right as our decisions will shape the future of Auckland and New Zealand for the next 50 to 100 years. We're committed to making a great city greater."

The Royal Commission (set up by the last Government) was a forum for people to contribute their views on the future of Auckland's governance and 3,500 individuals and organisations made submissions and 500 spoke to their submissions on the future of Auckland governance.

Mr Hide said: "It's now time for the Government to consider the Royal Commission's recommendations and make its decisions."

Mr Hide thanked the Royal Commissioners Hon Peter Salmon, Dame Margaret Bazley and David Shand for their work over the past 17 months.

The Report can be found at