Green Party pulls plug for planets sake

Green Party

Wednesday 1 April 2009, 2:11AM

By Green Party


In a bold move to combat global warming and the Government’s indifference to New Zealand’s Kyoto commitments, the Green Party is leading from the front and will immediately stop using most electrical appliances in its Parliamentary offices as of today.

“The current Government’s laissez-faire attitude to carbon emissions means that more needs to be done. The parliamentary Green Party has decided the only way we have any hope of meeting our commitments to the global village is if people flick the switch – permanently,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

As of this afternoon all media statements will be hand delivered to the parliamentary press gallery. Rather than wasting power using energy-sapping computers, staff will type media statements on recycled paper.

Typewriters reclaimed from landfills will take the place of the energy-gobbling desktops and give the Green Party a distinct point of difference from the usual bland emailed press statements of other parliamentary parties.

To further differentiate the Green Party all releases around the ‘Green New Deal’ will be written using recycled fountain pens sourced from an organic Bolivian Emu farm. Recently elected US President Barack Obama is understood to favour this form of communication with his closest advisors due to its sustainable nature.

It is estimated the energy saved by this initiative will cancel out 0.000000001% of the country’s Kyoto obligations and the anti-environment policies that the present Government is intent on implementing.

“This may seem trivial to the media but the fact our media unit is willing to get ink stains on their best clothes shows the commitment the Green team has to doing our global duty,” said Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.

Note: It would be appreciated if, once read by the media, statements could be sent back so that the other side of the paper can be used the next day.