Broadband investment proposal released

Wednesday 1 April 2009, 10:49AM

By Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


The government is seeking feedback on its proposed model for investment in ultra-fast broadband.

The investment model is intended to deliver on the government’s commitment of ultra-fast broadband to 75% of New Zealanders where they live, work and study over the next 10 years.

The government is proposing to establish a Crown-owned investment company (“Crown Fibre Investment Co” or CFIC) to drive its investment.

Under the proposal, CFIC would invest alongside private sector co-investors in regional fibre companies that would deploy and provide access to fibre optic network infrastructure in the 25 towns and cities covered by the initiative.

CFIC would operate a contestable process to select local partners with selection based on:

* The amount of additional fibre coverage being proposed
* The proposed capital structure
* Commercial viability of the proposal
* Consistency with government objectives
* Track-record of the partner.

The open infrastructure model is intended to ensure all telecommunications companies have the option of using the fibre.

The government has committed up to $1.5 billion for the roll out and expects that to be at least matched by private sector investment.

Submissions close on 27 April. For the Cabinet paper and associated documents, see