Sport Manawatu snippets

Wednesday 1 April 2009, 11:00PM

By Sport Manawatu



An overview of Sport Manawatu’s activities throughout the coming month.

Running for Ronald

Stacey Deakin is in the midst of training for the Great Forest Events half marathon on April 4, to raise $5000 towards the Ronald McDonald house Wellington.

"For some a half marathon is child's play but for others it is a giant feat", says Stacey.

Born with scoliosis, it was suggested to Stacey that surgery was the only way forward in life. However despite the odds Stacey chose physical activity and since has not looked back, in fact she has noticed significant improvement in her back since maintaining an active lifestyle. .

The Ronald McDonald house provides a much needed home away from home for families undergoing surgery in the Wellington Hospital. It is used by over 400 families per year and the Horowhenua District is high users of the facility.

To meet the demands of users a campaign has been launched to build a new house that will accommodate 34 families up from the 12 it recently can cater for. The more rooms available, the more accommodation there will be for Horowhenua families undergoing surgery in Wellington Hospital.

You can help Stacey reach her goal by visiting www.fundraiseonline/staceydeakin to sponsor her.

If you are interested in competing the Great Forest Events Marathon please visit

Thousands of Footie Fans at Ethkick

The inaugural Ethkick 09 Football Tournament was a huge success with an estimated 2000 people at Skoglund Park over the weekend (March 28-29). "It is great to see the grounds being used to their full potential, I have never seen Skoglund Park this busy before," says David Lawrie from Central Football.

Forty teams played on Saturday with 16 teams making it through to the games on Sunday. The Oman team ended up winning the serious grade and the Thirsty Camels from Saudi Arabia won the social game. All of the games were played with great sportsmanship. Ahmed Al Kharusi voted the most valuable player of the tournament.

"The highlight of the event was seeing everyone enjoying themselves and hearing from all of the players that they feel this event has made them feel more welcome in Palmerston North. Some teams enjoyed the event so much that they have now signed up to be in Football club, which is a fantastic outcome to have!" says Kathy McMillian from Sport Manawatu who was part of the organising committee.

All of the trophies will be on display for all to see at the Palmerston North City Library.

Active Workplaces

Businesses around The Square will be dusting off their bikes and walking shoes and actively coming to work during the month of April as they participate in iMove Workplaces. The initiative is being run as part of the ‘Living Lightly’ month and will include two free breakfasts in The Square on April 8 and April 29 for those using active transport to get to work. There will be spot prizes, a yummy free breakfast, entertainers, free bike checks, and Kris Gemmell will be making an appearance too.

Tararua Sportsperson of the Year

Thanks to sponsor Visique Dannevirke Optometrists Sport Tararua have confirmed Sarah Ulmer as this year's guest speaker at the 10th Annual 2009 Infracon Tararua Sportsperson of the Year Awards. The awards will be held on Friday May 8 2009 at the Dannevirke Town Hall.

“It is great to have someone as high profile as Sarah coming to the District to celebrate the success of our sportspeople," says Pip Hubbard from Sport Tararua.

Anyone wishing to attend the awards can purchase tickets from all Tararua District Council Service Centres in Pahiatua, Dannevirke, Eketahuna and Woodville from Monday April 6. Tickets cost $40 and include awards with guest speaker Sarah Ulmer, dinner and dessert prepared by The Vault Cafe and entertainment from new local Pahiatua band "beats work'n".

Volleyball Champs in Palmerston North

The 2009 National Secondary Schools' Volleyball Championships will take place at Arena Manawatu from Sunday March 29 to Friday April 3 when finals occur.

The championships will see 145 teams from around the country play throughout the week to find this year's champions.

With participant numbers expected to exceed 1800, along with coaches, managers, supporters, and spectators, the event is estimated to bring approximately $1.8 million into the local economy.

Sport Manawatu's event coordinator Thomas Buchanan says "it is fantastic to see this year's championships come back to Palmerston North to utilise our first class facilities, it would be great if this event returns in future years as it does so much for our economy and for volleyball in our community."

Get Into Sport Promotion:

Keen on finding out about sports groups in our region? Or maybe you’re keen on playing a sport over winter and not sure who to contact?

Then visit our website and check out the Find a Club section.

While you’re online – enter our Get Into Sport competition and you’ll go in the draw to win some Rebel Sport vouchers.

Tribune and Downtown Cinemas Treasure Hunt

Children all over the city are donning their monsters and aliens costumes and preparing for the biggest treasure hunt of the year: the Tribune and Downtown Cinemas Treasure Hunt. The free hunt, run by Sport Manawatu, is on Sunday April 5 at the Palmerston North Esplanade with registrations from 9-10 am by Café Esplanade.

Like all good treasure hunts, the event will include a best dressed costume, goodie bags, clue cards and treasure maps. After the hunt there will be opportunities to have a go on the bouncy castle and loads of other entertainment. The winner of the major treasure chest will be drawn at 12.15 pm.

“The theme for this year is Monsters vs Aliens, a new Dreamworks movie which starts at cinemas on April 2. Tthere are plenty of spot prizes available so come up with some costumes- and watch out for the GUNGE!!!,” says Kathy McMilllan, from Sport Manawatu.

Training for sports organisations

Successful Marketing and Promotion

6pm – 8pm on Thursday April 30, Sport Manawatu, 50 Queen Street

Learn about successful marketing planning; spreading your message; engaging the community; and free ways to promote your organisation and events.

The Planning Process

6pm – 8pm on Tuesday May 5, Sport Manawatu, 50 Queen Street

Learn about planning effectively; identifying your organisation’s current position, a vision for the future, and strategies for how you will reach the vision.

Both sessions cost $10 per person (plus – pay for one person and bring another from your organisation free of charge!

Registrations are essential – for more information or to register visit or contact Sport Manawatu.