Public views sought on $1B North transport plan

Northland Regional Council

Friday 3 April 2009, 10:27AM

By Northland Regional Council



Northlanders are being urged to comment on a new draft local authority transport programme that could ultimately see more than a billion dollars spent on the region’s transport needs over the next decade.

The 58-page draft Northland Regional Land Transport Programme 2009-2012 is the first collaborative effort of its kind from five agencies; the Northland Regional Council, the region’s three District Councils and the NZ Transport Agency.

The draft programme details plans for several hundred million dollars of spending on the region’s transport network over the next three years, but also looks at longer-term expenditure that could exceed more than $1 billion over a 10-year period.

John Bain, Chairman of the Northland Regional Council’s Regional Transport Committee, says the draft has taken about 12 months to compile and will ultimately form the basis of the region’s bid for funds from the National Land Transport Fund.

“The amount of money actually spent addressing Northland transport issues will depend on the success of this bid as well as available local funding from the region’s District Councils.”

Cr Bain says the Transport Committee – aided by an advisory group of roading engineers and staff from all five agencies – had helped establish the programme’s roading priorities and provided in-depth knowledge and practical experience.

He says the public is now effectively being asked whether the Committee has got it right.

“We want to know if the public think the major projects included in the draft programme have been allocated in the correct priority. We also want to know whether there are any missing projects that people think should have been included.”

Cr Bain says the draft programme covers road maintenance, renewals of minor capital works, existing public transport services, State Highway activities and other activities proposed by Northland’s local authorities and the NZ Transport Agency.

Copies of the full Draft have already been sent to all major stakeholders and a six-page summary to several hundred others.

As well as setting out a number of major projects prioritised by the Committee – such as a $15 million project to complete the second stage of Whangarei’s Kamo Bypass – the programme also looks at host of key transport-related issues facing the region.

“These include road design and maintenance, funding, freight transport, rail, passenger transport, cycling and walking, road safety and tourism.”

Copies of both documents – and submission forms - are available from any Regional Council office, from public libraries, by phoning the Regional Council on 0800 002 004 or from the NRC’s website

Submissions can be made on-line via or as hard copies but must be with the Regional Council by 4pm Monday 20 April.

“My fellow Committee members and I realise that the draft Northland Regional Land Transport Programme 2009-2012 is just one of a number of local authority plans that people are currently being asked to submit on. However, I’d like to urge as many people as possible to take the time to comment on this draft in particular as the region’s transport infrastructure affects us all in our daily lives and it’s important that we get it right.”

Cr Bain says submissions will be held over several days next month.