Three Parks plan change notified
A key plan change to accommodate the expected steady growth of Wanaka into the future was notified for public submission this week.
Plan Change 16 - Three Parks, proposes a range of urban uses, including business land, commercial, low and medium density residential areas and a tourist and community facility area.
“Importantly, this plan change proposes a new urban area including a commercial centre that will grow over time and will complement the more significant Wanaka Town Centre,” said Queenstown Lakes Deputy Mayor John Wilson.
Mr Wilson said a lot of effort had been made to try to manage the design outcomes of this area and to ensure that its growth would not compromise the primary role of the Wanaka Town Centre.
In terms of the size of the area (almost 100 ha between SH84, Riverbank and Ballantyne Road) and the range of activities, the Three Parks plan change was considered to be the most significant plan change proposed in Wanaka for some time.
“There is a long history to the proposal. Going back to the Wanaka 2020 workshops in 2002 the area was proposed to be urbanised and a new retail area was proposed. This vision was carried through to the Wanaka Structure Plan, and a Three Parks discussion document was released for public consultation last year,” Mr Wilson said.
Given the consultation associated with the proposal in the past, the concept would not be a new one for many in the Wanaka community.
“It’s really important that people consider getting involved in this process, even if they have submitted to previous consultations,” said Mr Wilson.
As well as whether the community supports the extension of Wanaka and the land uses proposed, the council was interested in receiving submissions on the detail of the plan change.
“A lot of thinking has gone into trying to encourage attractive and functional urban areas and to appropriately stage the growth of the area. We would like to hear if people think the plan change will be effective,” he said.
More information on the Three Parks plan change could be found at or from council offices and libraries district-wide. Submissions close on May 1, 2009.