Settlement Support is a winner
Whangarei Settlement Support has again been recognised by the Human Rights Commission for its work with new New Zealanders.
Whangarei Settlement Support, Whangarei ESOL, Baha’i and Korean Communities took part in the ‘Making Friends in Your Neighbourhood’ Race Relations Day event in March. The day coincided with Naw Ruz, the Baha’i New Year.
Around 200 people attended the event at Hurupaki School in Kamo. There was a wide range of entertainment, including kapa haka, Korean drumming, vocalists, a magician and a presentation by Jess Edmonds- Saunders of Whangarei Girls’ High School, the winner of the regional Race Unity Speech Competition, as well as participant dancing and a wide range of food.
There was also a dialogue on ‘What is required for good race relations’, with a number of concrete strategies outlined. Community organisations were urged to move that agenda forward. The organising committee is already planning for next year’s event.