Second-Hand Sunday a huge success

Whangarei District Council

Tuesday 7 April 2009, 12:05PM

By Whangarei District Council



Second-Hand Sunday was developed by Council as a community recycling initiative, to help residents reduce the amount of waste they send to landfill.

On Sunday morning 100 households put unwanted items out by their letterboxes. Whangarei resident s visited the participating households, to see if there were any useful items that they could have. There has been some great feedback from participants including:

* "Just to let you know that the Second- Hand Sunday was more than a success. Thanks – a great incentive."
* "I sold my house on Friday at auction, so spent all day Saturday putting unwanted stuff from 40 years out on the front lawn; by lunchtime Sunday it was all gone. Cars kept coming into the afternoon. I really appreciate the effort put into this form of recycling."

Councillor Sheryl Mai says Second- Hand Sunday is a fabulous addition to the district’s waste minimisation programme. "As a district, we have reused a lot of items that ratepayers might otherwise have sent straight to landfill. That’s a great achievement, and it saves ratepayers money at the same time."