Cycleway an idea too good to leave unfunded

Green Party

Tuesday 7 April 2009, 12:17PM

By Green Party


Money that could otherwise fund the Prime Minister’s national cycleway looks set to go to roads if Bill English’s comments on TVNZ’s Q&A programme on Sunday are anything to go by.

The Green Party was alarmed by the Finance Minister’s lack of financial commitment when, in response to TVNZ questions, Bill English stated, “Well we won't be spending $50 million dollars on it this year, or next year, or the year after.”

Green Party MP, Kevin Hague, was disappointed to learn that the most promising idea to come out of the recent Jobs Summit is now under threat from the small-mindedness of the Finance Minister.

“Thanks to exhaustive work in the cycling community, we now have a sound plan. We have a commitment from the PM and there’s a groundswell of support for this idea in the community. Now we just need to see the money,” said Mr Hague today.

Bill English is no stranger to the benefits of cycle tourism. He rode the Otago Rail Trail himself in 2006 with his family. A recent economic evaluation of the trail showed how lucrative cycle tourism can be. Last year, up to 80,000 people rode the trail while Ministry of Tourism figures for 2008 estimate international cycle tourists spent $199 million during their stay here.

“This is exactly the kind of major public work that will benefit both the economy through job creation and increased tourism and the environment through creating low carbon activities — a perfect Green New Deal solution to our current crisis,” Mr Hague said.

The Greens support the work of RideStrong and a coalition of cyclist organisations and tourism operators. Their plan is to link a number of iconic tourist rides around the country by a continuous cycleway. The rides would offer a range of exceptional, yet different off-road tourist experiences targeted at growing international and domestic demand.