Fast response to create One Auckland absolutely first class

Employers and Manufacturers Association

Wednesday 8 April 2009, 2:36AM

By Employers and Manufacturers Association



The quick response by the government to the Royal Commission’s recommendation to implement one big council for Auckland is absolutely positive, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.

“The go ahead for one big council for Auckland will be great for Aucklanders and the Auckland economy,” Mr Thompson said.

“Auckland has suffered far too long from delays in getting urgent infrastructure in place.

“Having the Auckland Council responsible for the major infrastructure and other region wide issues will lead to better decision making and earlier implementation of big projects.

“Benefits will be realised sooner.

“Making provision for 20 or more local community boards to make decisions about local amenities close to peoples’ hearts and homes is also better than the six councils proposed by the Royal Commission.

“The six councils wouldn’t keep the local in local government whereas 20 or more local community boards can. More democracy at the local level is the right way to go.

“But we feel more clarity about the local community boards is still needed.

“For example the local boards should be given the right to determine rates to fund their local amenities with those rates struck for them, and held accountable for them, by the Auckland Council.

“In addition, 20 or more local boards should get budgetary grants from the Auckland Council to balance out inequalities between each local board’s rating base.

“In other words, areas such as Otara, where amenities may not be as good as those in Remuera, may need a larger grant from the Auckland Council than Remuera to achieve their aspirations.

“But these sorts of things can be worked through at the Select Committee process.

“Its a credit to the government, and the previous government, and to all who participated in the Royal Commission process, that such a satisfactory, workable solution is being achieved.”