National's welfare U-turn an obstacle to social mobility

Green Party

Wednesday 15 April 2009, 1:09PM

By Green Party


Pulling yourself out of poverty by your own efforts just got harder for New Zealanders on benefits.

It is disappointing that the Government will not increase – as promised – the allowable income for beneficiaries in this year’s budget, said Green Party Social Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford today.

"This is another backtrack from National who gained a lot of kudos from some unusual quarters when they first said they would lift the amount beneficiaries could earn in paid work to $100 per week."

The current amount unemployment beneficiaries can earn before their income is abated is $80pw.

"This policy U-turn is bad news for people who are doing just what National delights in telling them to do – go out and get a job," Ms Bradford said.

"However, we welcomed news last month that the Government would not force parents on the Domestic Purposes Benefit back to work when their youngest child turns six – at least for now.

"It appeared that the Social Development Minister Paula Bennett linked the delay of both DPB worktesting and a rise in allowable income to the fact that jobs are much harder to get this year," Ms Bradford said.

"It is deeply ironic that a small step to help a lot of people at minimal cost is not being carried out when rising unemployment should be the very reason to make such a move.

"The Green Party hopes Minister Bennett and Cabinet will heed the advice offered by Tariana Turia yesterday when she advocated a return to full wage subsidised work schemes.

"There is plenty of useful work that needs doing, for example through Green New Deal projects.

"There are growing numbers of unemployed people who would be very happy to take on full waged work carrying out environmentally and socially useful jobs like building houses for those in need, expanding our public transport base, planting forests, weed control, waste minimisation and revitalising rural waterways.

"We call on the Government to face the unemployment crisis head on by investing in useful jobs while also improving conditions for those who have no choice but to rely on income support."