Trans-Tasman legal systems discussed in Canberra

Wednesday 15 April 2009, 4:59PM

By Simon Power


Justice Minister Simon Power will attend the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in Canberra this week.


SCAG provides a forum for Attorneys-General to discuss and progress matters of mutual interest, and seeks to achieve uniform or harmonised action in the areas of responsibility of its members.


The Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) comprises the Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, its states and territories, and New Zealand's Minister of Justice. Norfolk Island has observer status at SCAG meetings.


Attorneys-General, as chief law officers of their jurisdictions, are engaged in projects to harmonise laws across jurisdictions and simplify legal transactions across state and trans-Tasman boundaries.


"I'm looking forward to making my first appearance at the SCAG meeting, and discussing with Attorneys ways to better align Australian and New Zealand legal systems for the benefit of people in both countries," Mr Power said.


"This includes discussing reforms to make resolving legal disputes across the Tasman cheaper, more efficient and less complicated."