Ending Treaty Settlements by 2014 is Madness

Green Party

Tuesday 21 April 2009, 3:18PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling on the Government to scrap its 2014 deadline for settling all Treaty of Waitangi claims.
The Government has organised a Hui in Auckland tomorrow to discuss how to resolve Maori claims for redress for injustices inflicted on them by the Crown.
“The Crown forcing an arbitrary deadline on Maori to resolve the injustices perpetuated on them – such as the stealing of Maori land - is contrary to the Treaty, justice and common sense. In short it is madness,” Green Party Maori Affairs Spokesperson Metiria Turei said today.
Mrs Turei will attend tomorrow’s Hui to listen to Maori concerns about the Government’s proposals: “It is vital that the Government take on board what Maori have to say about their Treaty proposals. These issues are too important for the Government to just tick the consultation box and then push through their own agenda.
“It is crucial for New Zealand that Treaty settlements are done right rather than quickly.
“The result of imposing this arbitrary timeline will be a hasty process in which the Crown will only deal with big iwi and large unnatural groupings of claimants, and once again smaller iwi and hapu will miss out on redress that is rightfully theirs.”
The Green Party’s policy for resolving the Crown’s historical injustices against Maori is to set up a Treaty settlements framework that ensures:

  • any timeline must be agreed with Maori
  • full, fair and durable restitution to Maori for Crown breaches
  • adequate resources for Waitangi Tribunal and claimants
  • opportunity for Maori to have their resources returned to them.