QLDC 10-year-plan - submissions open

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Wednesday 22 April 2009, 3:51PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Submissions open today on the Queenstown Lakes District Council 10-Year-Plan with QLDC Mayor Clive Geddes urging residents and ratepayers to get up to speed.

Every three years, the Council must produce a revised 10-Year-Plan.

“As a community we face some significant funding challenges and some pretty big decisions need to be taken. It is imperative that the community sets some time aside to become informed and give us feedback,” Mr Geddes said.

The four volumes of the 10-Year-Plan, including an overview volume, a volume about what the council does, a financial volume and a growth forecast volume were all now available on the Council website, at Council offices and libraries.

“This has been a major and comprehensive undertaking by the executive team and staff of Council over a significant period of time,’ Mr Geddes said.

Although the four volumes (available on CD) might seem a bit daunting, a summary of the 10-Year-Plan would be widely distributed to the community next week inserted in the Mirror and the Sun and directly mailed to 7000 out of town ratepayers.

“You can also find that summary on our website or if you still don’t have a copy grab one from the Council office, it’s got all the key issues highlighted and includes a submission form,’ Mr Geddes said.

The submission period would be open for a month through to May 22. A hearing would be held in Wanaka and Queenstown in the first week of June and the plan was scheduled to be adopted by the Council on June 30.

“It’s a 20 minute job to sit down and read the summary on how the Council proposes to deliver the next ten years. I think people will find it’s time well spent,” Mr Geddes said.