Freedom Camping consultation
A proposed new approach to freedom camping in the Queenstown Lakes District is available for public comment, QLDC community services general manager Paul Wilson said.
“Freedom camping is widespread across the district with up to 100 vehicles camping in rural areas during summer, many without toilet facilities and many flouting ‘no camping’ signage,’ Mr Wilson said.
A Council audit of the district roads in February identified 50 freedom camping ‘hotspots’.
The audit identified that 98% had camping related rubbish present, 30% had evidence of a camp fire and 16% had evidence of human waste, despite 28% of those hotspots having ‘no camping’ signs.
Patrols were undertaken in Queenstown and Wanaka and although under the QLDC Traffic and Parking Bylaw a $40 fine could be imposed, the patrolling contractor was not authorised to issue an infringement.
“It has been more of an educational role but clearly we are facing the need for some alternative action,” Mr Wilson said.
Proposed goals included improving the knowledge of freedom campers through improved signage and increased information and encourage a ‘leave as you find it’ culture.
“We propose identifying areas where ‘self contained’ camping (on board toilets) can take place but also identify areas where freedom camping will not be allowed and enforce that rule,” Mr Wilson said.
It was also recommended that the infringement penalty should be increased from $40 to $100 and be actively enforced.
“We want to take a hard line on littering and the dumping of human waste. It’s not acceptable in any environment, let alone an iconic destination such as the Queenstown Lakes District and unfortunately we have plenty of examples over the years where people have not respected the environment they are there to enjoy,” Mr Wilson said.
The Council also proposed considering additional self registering camping facilities to ensure a range of low cost camping opportunities was on offer.
The proposal, which was available on the Council website and at Council offices would be open for comment until 15 May.