Green Party Confirms Co-Leader as Mt Albert Nominee

Green Party

Friday 24 April 2009, 8:00AM

By Green Party



 Green Party Confirms Co-Leader as Mt Albert Nominee

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman has been nominated as a Green
candidate for the Mt Albert by-election. A selection meeting convenes
next Wednesday to consider his nomination.

“Russel is our only nominee and our Party will decide next week whether
to confirm him as our candidate,” said Green Party Co-Convenor Roland
Sapsford today.

“A Co-Leader’s been nominated because a lot of what’s important to
Auckland is important to the Green Party. With a well-known candidate
we can talk with a larger audience about issues like good governance and
a decent rail system for the Auckland region.”

The by-election is a chance to send the National-led Government a
message, said Dr Norman: “If we do this, we’ll be the underdog, but it
is a great chance for voters to make the old parties listen to them on
Auckland governance, Auckland’s transport problems, Auckland’s
electricity supply as well as on the region’s beaches and open spaces.

“These are all areas where the Green Party has consistently offered
answers and listened to local communities.”

The transport dilemma is a classic example, said Dr Norman: “The old
parties are arguing over two bad ideas in Waterview. They want to
either bulldoze a suburb or blow $3 billion. The Green Party offers a
better solution. We would fix the public transport system first, relieve
congestion and give Aucklanders a faster, cheaper way to get to work and
the airport.”

Nationwide issues would also be under scrutiny in the by-election Dr
Norman said: “The Greens stand for a fairer and more sustainable society
in New Zealand. Our long and hard-fought campaign for warm, dry, healthy
homes is one example.”

Dr Norman lived in the neighbouring Auckland Central electorate for five
years. He indicated that, if confirmed as a candidate and ultimately
successful in the by-election, he would move back to Auckland.

Should the Green Party pull off an upset win in Mt Albert, the Chief
Electoral Office has advised that another list member would join the
Greens in Parliament. The Green’s next list member is Aucklander Dave