Submissions will help guide Kaiparas direction

Kaipara District Council

Wednesday 29 April 2009, 11:38AM

By Kaipara District Council



Three hundred and nine submissions are helping Kaipara District Council map out next year’s programme and the District’s future.

Kaipara’s Future – Working Together 2009/19 (LTCCP) is a “road map” for the next 10 years and details of the next year’s proposed programme. Through consultation and submissions it provides an ideal opportunity for Council and the community to work together to ensure the District develops the way residents and ratepayers want.

The 309 submissions have come from individuals, organisations and groups, including one bearing more than 500 signatures seeking improvement to the entrance to Ripiro Beach at Baylys and a number from Te Kopuru with up to 130 names attached.

They cover a huge range of topics with rates, refuse, community rates, dogs, roading and footpaths among the most commented on.

The Kaipara’s Future – Working Together 2009/19 (LTCCP) asked whether residents want a 1.5% or smaller rate increase, a 3.9% increase to maintain existing levels of service or about 5.3% to achieve this plus some improvements. More than 50 submissions included rates in their comments with the 1.5% and 3.9% both receiving significant support and a number opting for 5.3%.

Submissions on refuse had some supporting user pays rubbish collections and others favouring the idea of Council supplying free bags and including the cost in rates.

Roading submissions contained a clear message that existing standards must be maintained.

Community rates attracted 27 submissions, most supporting such a rate for the Ruawai War Memorial Hall.

Twelve asked Council to provide shade in playgrounds and develop a sunsmart policy.

Submissions to the proposal for 8.30 pm to 7.00 am liquor bans at a number of beaches and towns and reducing the present 24 hour ban in Dargaville to the same, also attracted a number of submissions including the Police who oppose the Dargaville reduction and want a 24/7 ban at all Kaipara beaches.

Ninety one submitters who asked to speak to Council in support of their submissions will have that opportunity on Tuesday 5 May at the Dargaville Chambers, Wednesday 6 May at the Maungaturoto Centennial Community Hall and Friday 8 May at the Mangawhai Domain Hall.

Council will consider all the submissions and the Kaipara’s Future – Working Together 2009/19 (LTCCP) reflecting the outcome; will be adopted on Wednesday 10 June 2009.

Mayor Neil Tiller has welcomed the input, saying, “309 is a good number of submissions and when you include the fact that some have a huge number of signatures, they involve a lot of people.

“They contain invaluable information about what our community is thinking and what it wants for Kaipara so we will be giving them all careful study. In doing this we will be very conscious of the present economic recession.”

However the Mayor said the number of people attending some meetings to discuss the plans had been disappointing. Dargaville, for example, only attracted six.

“I would welcome suggestions as to how Council can better facilitate liaison and community discussion. But consultation is a two way process and residents and ratepayers need to do their bit. At the end of the day it’s your Council, your District and your money.”