Government, Mayors to work together on jobs

Thursday 30 April 2009, 8:49AM

By Paula Bennett


Central and local government have pledged to work together to respond to the economic downturn, Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett said today.

The Government and the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to tackle common issues around unemployment.

The renewed partnership is another outcome from the Prime Minister’s Job Summit, which identified an expanded role for the Mayors Taskforce.

“I have been talking with Mayors for some time about the role of the Task force – they are well-placed to understand how the recession affects their communities. Mayors have the insight and relationships to know what works to help businesses retain jobs and broker solutions,” Ms Bennett said.

The Taskforce, a nationwide network of Mayors, will continue to focus on helping young people into employment, and will expand its role to target other groups affected by the recession.

Mayors Taskforce Chairman Dale Williams welcomed the signing. “We are encouraged by the MOU and with the action plan we have developed. With the economy as it is, it's a critical partnership with the government and it continues the success we have had over the past nine years," he said.

The Taskforce is considering setting up a small team to work with rural and provincial communities to find solutions to problems caused by the recession. Mayors have also been involved in setting up trades training centres to retain local people and local jobs.

Queenstown’s Mayor Clive Geddes is working to keep the local construction industry alive by bringing forward major civic infrastructure projects. He is also considering using public-private partnerships to help reduce the need for potential rate increases.

Ms Bennett said the National-led government was united with local communities in its desire to do as much as possible to keep Kiwis in work during this recession.

“This is about working together to maintain the highest possible levels of employment while we weather the downturn. We need to have a combined approach that is pragmatic, respectful and effective. That way the whole country will be in a good position to take full advantage of the eventual global economic upswing,” Ms Bennett said.









This Memorandum of Understanding clarifies the relationship between the Government of New Zealand (the Government) and the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (the Taskforce).


The Taskforce was formally established in April 2000, following a community conference in Christchurch that recognised employment and livelihood as fundamental to stability in communities. By 2009, 69 Mayors (95% of all Mayors) had joined the Taskforce.


The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding is to affirm the commitment of the Government and the Taskforce to building an effective partnership to work on areas of common interest.

Benefits of the Partnership

The partnership between the Government and the Taskforce will provide the following mutual benefits:


the opportunity for local communities to have input into the policy-making process at the highest level

a strong two-way communication channel between central government and local communities

the opportunity for Ministers and key local and regional decision-makers from across New Zealand to interact in a structured way about issues of common concern

the opportunity for local decision-makers and communities to advise the Government on how to make key Government policy relevant at the local level

a quick and effective way for the Government to consult with local communities on proposed major policy changes.

Areas of Common Interest

The core area of common interest for the Government and the Taskforce is maximising local employment opportunities for young people and ensuring their successful transitions to education, training or employment.

From time to time the Government and the Taskforce may agree on other areas of common interest as outlined in Annex A. The Minister for Social Development and Employment and the Chair of the Taskforce have the authority to vary the areas of common interest outlined in Annex A by agreement in writing (but may consult other relevant Ministers where the Minister considers it appropriate).

The Government mandates government officials to work with the Taskforce to develop priorities, actions and initiatives relating to the areas of common interest.

Undertakings of the Parties

The Government and the Taskforce will:


  • affirm the commitment to work in partnership on areas of common interest
  • meet at least quarterly each year
  • work together to determine areas of common interest
  • annually review areas of common interest
  • annually review the priorities, actions, initiatives and results relating to areas of common interest
  • annually review the level of funding for the Taskforce.


Annex A – Other Areas of Common Interest


The Government and the Taskforce agree to work together to respond to the impact of the recession by focusing on the following in the short term:

assisting communities that are disproportionately affected by the recession

responding to local employment shocks as a result of the recession.