Household Labour Force Survey Estimated Working-age Population: March 2009 quarter

Statistics New Zealand

Thursday 30 April 2009, 12:11PM

By Statistics New Zealand


The Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) estimated working-age population is based on national
resident population estimates that have been adjusted to be consistent with the scope of the HLFS. The
HLFS estimated working-age population represents an estimate of the usually resident, non-
institutionalised, civilian population of New Zealand aged 15 years and over. It provides the benchmark
figure for the number of people in the labour market each quarter, and results from the HLFS are then
summed to this total. This release enables analysts to access the most recent benchmark data and to more
accurately model changes in the labour market. WAP

  A B C D E F
2 Household Labour Force Survey    
3 Estimated Working-age Population(1)(2)    
4 By age group and sex    
5 Mean quarter ended 31 March 2009    
7 Age group (years) Working-age population        
8 Males Females Total    
9 (000)        
11 15–19 163.5 157.5 321.0  
12 20–24 150.3 147.7 298.0    
13 25–29 135.4 140.7 276.1    
14 30–34 127.5 140.1 267.6    
15 35–39 145.6 162.1 307.7    
16 40–44 149.3 161.8 311.1    
17 45–49 155.0 165.4 320.4    
18 50–54 137.3 143.0 280.3    
19 55–59 120.5 124.3 244.8    
20 60–64 106.6 110.5 217.1    
21 65+ 238.7 278.0 516.6    
22 Total 1,629.7 1,731.1 3,360.8    
24 (1) The civilian, non-institutionalised, New Zealand resident          
25 population aged 15 years and over. The working-age          
26 population is derived from the estimated resident population          
27 aged 15 years and over by excluding military personnel          
28 and people usually resident in institutions within this age          
29 group.          
30 (2) The working-age population is based on the 2006 Census          
31 data and is updated using early estimates of births, deaths,          
32 and net permanent and long-term migration.          
33 Note: Individual figures may not sum to stated totals due to          
34 rounding.