Kiwifruit carbon footprint study earns praise

David Carter

Thursday 30 April 2009, 5:26PM

By David Carter


Agriculture Minister David Carter is welcoming groundbreaking research by the kiwifruit industry into its carbon footprint.

Kiwifruit marketer ZESPRI today released findings into the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions involved in growing, packing, transporting, selling, consuming and the disposal of exported kiwifruit.

"Studies of this calibre are key to our primary industries better understanding and developing expertise in their carbon footprint work," says Mr Carter.

"I congratulate the kiwifruit industry for being a step ahead in identifying and mitigating where possible, its greenhouse gas emissions. This is a significant contribution to New Zealand's leading reputation in GHG research."

The kiwifruit project, jointly funded between the industry and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is the first of 12 carbon footprinting studies to be released as part of the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Footprinting Strategy. Research by the dairy and wine industries is nearing completion.

"This is a good example of government, industry and research collaboration. Most importantly, it underscores the important work being done by a broad range of producers to manage their impact on the environment," says Mr Carter.

"The reality is carbon footprinting is here to stay and New Zealand producers must strive to meet the demands of overseas consumers and retailers if we are to maintain a competitive advantage."