Committee Against Torture examines NZ's 5th periodic report

Monday 4 May 2009, 8:51PM

By Simon Power


New Zealand has presented its fifth periodic report under the Convention against Torture to the United Nations Committee Against Torture in Geneva, Justice Minister Simon Power said today.

The Convention Against Torture is one of the ‘core' international human rights treaties, and obliges countries that are a party to the convention to take effective measures to prevent torture within their borders.

Countries are also required to submit reports every five years outlining the measures that have been taken during the reporting period to give effect to this obligation.

The committee comprises 10 independent experts who will engage in a constructive dialogue with New Zealand. A small delegation of officials was in Geneva last week to respond to the committee's questions.

"The Government is committed to the processes that the international community has put in place to end torture in all its forms," Mr Power said.