Auckland Social Policy Forum builds community connections

Monday 4 May 2009, 8:52PM

By Paula Bennett



The social wellbeing of the country's largest city will be improved by a new Auckland Social Policy Forum, says the Minister for Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett.

The new forum, approved by Cabinet today, will ensure communities, central and local government work together to address social issues in Auckland.

It will comprise the Minister for Social Development and Employment as Chair, the Mayor of Auckland Council and Chairs of relevant Auckland Council Committees, as well as select representation from Local Boards.

Ms Bennett says poor social outcomes in Auckland compromise the lives of residents, as well as region's economic growth.

"We all have a major part to play in addressing social issues - and I believe the new Forum is the best way to work towards that."

The Forum is part of the National-led Government's response to the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance.

"The Royal Commission considered the amount spent on social issues and other activities with social impacts are poorly co-ordinated and lack a coherent strategy."

The annual social spend by central and local government in the Auckland region is about $12 billion.

"We need to get the best value from this social investment to make sure our people as well as our economy are well placed to take advantage of the economic upswing, when it occurs," Ms Bennett says.