Maori Delegation to Fiji

Maori Party

Wednesday 6 May 2009, 7:08AM

By Maori Party


The Maori Party co-leaders say they will not be travelling with a Maori delegation to Fiji.


“The Prime Minister has announced that Ministers in his government will not get sign-off to go to Fiji. That is the Prime Minister’s prerogative, and we respect that.


“We take our Ministerial responsibilities seriously; and even if we travel as Maori Party leaders or iwi representatives to Fiji, the perception is we will still be seen as Ministers of the New Zealand Government, so we will not be going.


“We understand that the Government must speak with one voice. However there is another voice, a Maori voice, which Maori people expect to be independent.


“The delegation that is being discussed will be a Maori delegation going to visit the people of Fiji. The kaupapa is Maori, based on whakapapa relationships, it is not a government-to-government visit. The purpose is to promote dialogue and understanding, not conflict.


“There is considerable interest from iwi and Maori leadership, but at this stage no decisions have been made on who might go, or when.