Submissions close on draft plan for Franklin
The submission period for the draft Franklin District Council Community Plan 2009-19 has now closed.
Council received 1004 submissions to the document, which outlines plans for Franklin over a 10-year period. The proposed plan examines activities, their costs, how they will be paid for and how they benefit the community. Council wishes to deliver a balanced and affordable response to the District’s environmental, social, cultural and economic needs.
Franklin District Mayor Mark Ball says community input was sought on the proposed plan, so that Council is aware of the range of community views as it makes its decisions.
“I’m proud that so many residents, ratepayers, community groups and organisations have made an effort and become involved in the Community Plan. With over one thousand submissions received from the public, it shows that we have a community who care deeply about our district and its future.”
The most prevalent themes discussed in the submissions include transportation, the Onewhero roading rate, the Tuakau Hall levy, the Karaka Sports Ground, pensioner housing, development contributions and the stormwater rating model.
“We received submissions on a huge variety of topics - from providing breastfeeding facilities, to recycling, speed limit suggestions, the Rugby World Cup funding, the Super City debate and much more.”
Council officers are now summarising the submissions for presentation to Council. Council will consider submissions and listen to submitters on 26, 27 and 29 May. If you made a submission and asked to be heard in relation to that submission, you will be contacted with a speaking time.
Council will adopt the Franklin District Council Community Plan 2009-19 on 25 June 2009.