Minister applauded for drought extensions

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Tuesday 12 May 2009, 3:59PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers has welcomed the decision by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, the Hon David Carter MP, to extend drought relief to parts of North Canterbury, the Central Plateau, Taihape and Wairarapa.

“The Minister’s decisiveness means farmers now have access to services that will help them cope with the effects of a dry autumn,” says Frank Brenmuhl, Federated Farmers’ adverse events spokesperson.

“The current rain, though welcome, is too late to ensure adequate pasture growth ahead of winter. At this stage of the year, it’s a green drought on the North Island’s east coast and in parts of the South Island.

“While tinges of green may be replacing the brown, there’s too little pasture growth to create animal feed. La Nina petered out far earlier than expected and the current neutral weather pattern explains the drier than expected autumn.

“In respect of this, the Federation’s provincial presidents deserve praise for the leading role they play on local drought committees. They have provided vital intelligence and recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). They’re the experts who know the real situation.

“Simply put and with winter now upon us, farmers are out of time.

“The Federation has worked collegially with MAF and our peer organisations to deliver practical support to farmers on the ground. This support will enable farmers to navigate a very tough winter, given there will be minimal income coming through the farm gate.

“Supplemental feed is now vital and the Federation’s 0800 drought line (0800 376 844) exists to match feed suppliers with those in need of feed. People do not have to be a member of the Federation to access this service. It’s there for all farmers.

“This line can also point people in the direction of other support services and their local Rural Support Trust,” Mr Brenmuhl concluded.