Councillors Ask Chief Executive to Investigate Splash Planet

Thursday 14 May 2009, 10:34AM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings District councillors have asked the Council’s chief executive to investigate the financial management of Splash Planet after being briefed on a projected operating deficit earlier this week.

Deputy Mayor, Cynthia Bowers says councillors were shocked and appalled to find out what seemed like a successful season is likely to be marred by a negative projected variance of $70,000.

“We were led to believe that budgets were being achieved but now we find out that Splash Planet is in the red after overspending,” Cr Bowers says.

Chief executive, Ross McLeod has advised councillors that a full and robust investigation will be carried out.
“We have commenced exploring with relevant staff as to how expenditure levels exceeded budgets by so much when revenue was up and initial financial reports showed performance on track,” Mr McLeod says.

“It is too early in the process to draw final conclusions, but the investigation will be thorough and appropriate action will be taken once it is complete.”

“Ongoing reviews will target savings and efficiencies to balance the Splash Planet deficit.”

Splash Planet was tracking to have one of its most successful seasons yet with more than 95,000 visitors to the end of March – almost 10,000 more than the same time the previous year.

Increases in Club Card sales have shown locals are attending Splash Planet in greater numbers but the downside of this is the drop in average revenue per visitor.