Calling waste champions

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Thursday 14 May 2009, 6:54PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



 The Queenstown Lakes District Council is calling on waste champions to enter into the 2009 QLDC Zero Waste Awards, QLDC solid waste manager Stefan Borowy said.

“We can’t wait to find out what our community has been up to in the last year. With such an ongoing and heightened awareness of our environment, we are expecting some pretty interesting and varied entries,” Mr Borowy said.

The awards, which offered $2500 in incentive prize money, had four categories.

“I am delighted to confirm that QLDC will put up a cash prize of $1000 for the ‘Making it Happen Award’. This is a huge incentive for someone wanting to start out on a zero waste initiative or project over the next year,” Mr Borowy said.
Other categories were:
The School Award sponsored by Wanaka Wastebusters with a prize of $500.
The Business Award (also open to community groups) sponsored by the YHA New Zealand with a prize of $500.
The Individual Award sponsored by Coronet Peak with a prize of $500.

“We are looking for efforts towards reducing, reusing or recycling waste either at home, at work or in the community,” Mr Borowy said.

An entry form could be obtained from a council office or downloaded from the council website

Entries would close at 4pm on Friday 19 June, 2009.