Review of Mori Television Service Act

Saturday 16 May 2009, 8:23AM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


An independent review of the effectiveness of the Mori Television Service (MTS) Act has come up with recommendations relating to the Mori language and culture, broadcasting platforms and the provision of high-quality, cost effective services.

The Government and Te Pktahi Paoho (the Mori television electoral college) have until the end of August to respond.

Associate Minister of Mori Affairs Georgina te Heuheu says she will not comment on the recommendations at this stage as she does not want to pre-empt the outcome.

A review of MTS’s effectiveness was required under the Act as soon as practicable, five years from its commencement date.

Tainui Stephens (Chair), Hone Edwards and Jane Huria were appointed to carry out the review. The review considered, among other issues, the following:


  • MTS’s broadcasting platform, including UHF
  • The convergence of broadcasting technology and other electronic media
  • The establishment of MTS as multi-channel broadcaster
  • MTS’s focus on and promotion of Mori language and culture
  • Legislation that impacts on the ability of MTS to provide high quality, cost-effective services
  • Governance and the role of Te Pktahi Paoho

The panel’s key recommendations are:

Mori language and culture


1. Include the words preserve and protect before promote. Remove reference to a ‘broad viewing audience’ in the Act

2. Amend the definition of te reo Mori and include a definition for the quality of language

3. Change the quantum levels for Mori language content and remove all references to prime-time

Nature of MTS broadcasting platform


1. Amend the Act to enable MTS to broadcast on all multi-media platforms

2. MTS to retain UHF rights, post digital switch over



1. MTS accountability for direct funding to be on a three-yearly basis

2. MTS’s Mori language plan to align with an over-arching Mori language broadcasting plan

General recommendations related to the appointment and skill base of Te Pktahi Paoho.

The report is available at