DOC announces fresh investment in private kiwi saver

Department of Conservation

Monday 18 May 2009, 3:41PM

By Department of Conservation


Kiwi living on private land in Northland are among the big winners from new conservation investment totalling more than $2.5 million allocated through the Government’s Biodiversity Funds.

Announcing the latest Biodiversity Condition and Advice Fund grants, the Department of Conservation’s Director General Al Morrison said the biggest allocation of $373,580 has gone to 19 conservation initiatives on private land in Northland.

“Significant kiwi populations live on private land in Northland and this money will help those landowners who realise that they have natural treasures, literally in their own backyards.”

“That’s Kiwi’s saving kiwis.”

The latest investment to protect Northland kiwi is being co-ordinated through the New Zealand Landcare Trust who have worked to include private land in their local Biodiversity Strategy with support from the Northland Regional Council.

“Conservation is all about partnerships. Working with private landowners to protect the unique wildlife and habitats they already value on their own land only strengthens DOC’s work.”

In other parts of New Zealand, Biodiversity Funds will help a range of private conservation initiatives ranging from trapping and predator control programmes to protect endangered birds through to fencing to allow the re-growth of native plants.

In the Coromandel district for example, the Moehau Environment Group will receive over $90, 000 to assist volunteers add another 1000 pest control sites on private wetland at Waikawau Bay.

In Southland, over $130 000 dollars will help private landowners control weeds threatening forests and wetlands in joint project involving Environment Southland, QEII, NZ Landcare Trust and local councils.

The New Zealand Deerstalkers Manawatu Branch is using funding to protect blue duck over large areas of private land near the Ruahine Ranges with volunteers setting stoat and rat traps.


“These grants often spur further conservation support and the value of this work on private land cannot be underestimated. Our landscapes and natural heritage underpin our economy and everybody benefits from this sort of investment,” Al Morrison said.

All full list of projects receiving funding can be found at

Applications for the next funding round will open on Wednesday 20th May.




The Biodiversity Funds were established in 2000 and distribute funding for biodiversity protection projects twice yearly.

The Funds are contestable and available to landowners, organisations and community groups working on biodiversity projects to protect indigenous biodiversity on private land.


Condition Fund aims to improve and maintain the condition of areas of native vegetation, species and habitats, including wetlands, dunelands and lowland forests.


Advice Fund supports the provision of advice and information to land owners to assist them in their management of indigenous biodiversity on private land.


Regional breakdown of the latest funding round

Below is the regional breakdown of allocations. A schedule of project information on each of the approved projects is also attached.


Northland: $373,580 amongst 19 projects

Auckland: $319,774 amongst 9 projects

Waikato: $178,491 amongst 4 projects

Bay of Plenty: $73,708 amongst 3 projects

East Coast / Hawkes Bay: $298,942 amongst 16 projects

Wanganui: $45,494 amongst 8 projects

Wellington: $194,719 amongst 11 projects

Nelson / Marlbrough: $349,089 amongst 22 projects

West Coast: $102,209 amongst 8 projects

Canterbury: 217,815 amongst 5 projects

Otago: $109,881 amongst 4 projects

Southland: $211,700 amongst 4 projects

In addition, three applications were granted $53,680 which will benefit landowners at a national level.