Minister wants pig farm investigated
Animal welfare investigators will inspect a pig farm at the centre of an animal welfare probe as soon as campaigners reveal where the property is, Agriculture Minister David Carter says.
Television New Zealand's ‘Sunday' programme featured secretly filmed footage of a pig farm by animal rights organisation SAFE.
Mr Carter is urging SAFE to reveal the location of the property so it can be inspected by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry animal welfare investigators.
"The television images were disturbing. It is essential we find out if this intensive pig farming operation is in breach of the Animal Welfare Act.
"If SAFE has the welfare of these animals at heart, it needs to provide details of the property today so the authorities can the take appropriate action. I have asked MAF to undertake an inspection as soon as we know the farm's location," Mr Carter said.
The Ministry has the power to prosecute owners and those in charge of animals found to be in breach of the Animal Welfare Act.