One week to go - draft 10-year-plan

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 19 May 2009, 11:30AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Residents and ratepayers of the Queenstown Lakes District have just one week left to have a say on the draft 10-Year-Plan.

The Council had honed in on six key issues for the community to consider, ranging from financial affordability and new organic and residual (rubbish) services to water demand management, transportation, proposed council offices and the Wanaka aquatic sports facilities.

“These are all significant issues for our communities,” QLDC chief executive Duncan Field said.

To date the Council had received in excess of 100 submissions, with at least the same number again expected over the next few days.

“A lot of consultation has been undertaken on most of the key issues and we are seeing some highly considered and extremely valuable feedback, Mr Field said.

There was still plenty of time for people to have their say, with the full plans and summary and submission forms available at all libraries in the district, Council offices and on the Council website  

“We are asking our communities to take 20 minutes to give us feedback on the next 10-Years,’ Mr Field said.

Submissions would close at 5pm on Friday 22 May with hearings scheduled to take place on the 4 (Wanaka) and5 (Queenstown) June. The draft would be adopted by the full Council on June 30, 2008.