South Island weather warning to farmers

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Wednesday 20 May 2009, 10:50AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


South Island farmers are being urged to prepare for widespread snow to low levels and strong winds over the next few days, especially in Canterbury. This follows a warning issued yesterday by Canterbury Civil Defence.

“Recent heavy rains caused significant flooding in South Canterbury with the High Country now in recovery mode,” says Michael Morrow, Federated Farmers Mid-Canterbury president.

“In terms of animal welfare, we are thankful most animals are in good condition for this time of the year.

“Farmers are advised to monitor river and creek levels. Plans should be put in place to move stock to higher sheltered ground, especially if this does turn out to be a mean southerly blast.

“Ample feed and feed grain seems to be available so farmers are in a good position to weather the storm, should it be a repeat of the 2006 event.

“We have seen extensive damage to High Country farm tracks, fencing and flood gates caused by the recent heavy rains. Environment Canterbury confirms the Rangitata River recently peaked at its highest level for some 15 years.

“Given saturated soils, persistent rain would cause extensive run-off resulting in the risk of flood. Snow, ironically, may prove to be a blessing in disguise. Snow will dissipate the storm’s effect on rivers rather than concentrating it like rain does.

“Following the 2006 snow storm, the authorities acquired a number of emergency generators but this is adverse event driven. For piece of mind, some farmers may wish to have ready access to a generator of their own.

“Federated Farmers endorses the advice of Canterbury Civil Defence. Farmers and their families may be on their own for three days or more. It is timely to check emergency supplies for farm families in terms of food, water, fuel, alternative lighting and other emergency supplies.

“Given the effect of this storm maybe widespread, farmers and their families are reminded to check road conditions before setting out on any journey,” Mr Morrow concluded.


· Preparation of sheltered pasture on higher ground
· Ensuring adequate feed stocks are available
· Checking on-farm stocks of fuel
· Checking the condition of generators (should farmers have one)
· Monitoring rivers, streams and creeks as water levels can rise rapidly
· Keeping Federated Farmers informed by calling South Island provincial presidents via 0800 327 646 or direct, by way of the website -
· Regularly checking the MetService’s Rural Weather service -
· Looking to personal and family safety in line with Civil Defence recommendations -
· Checking road conditions via AA’s Roadwatch -