New fund to support critical social services during the recession

Thursday 21 May 2009, 10:32AM

By Paula Bennett


The Minister of Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett has announced the Government’s intention to establish a new fund to support critical social services for New Zealanders during the economic downturn.


It is expected up to $40 million in the first year will be made available to the Community Response Fund to support community and voluntary sector organisations.

Ms Bennett says the Community Response Fund is designed to assist those organisations facing cost and demand pressures to deliver vital social services.


“This government has worked alongside the sector on how best to support those organisations which are struggling in the economic environment to provide vital services to our most vulnerable individuals and families. This fund will be targeted at those groups facing increased demand for services, or severe financial difficulty due to the recession.”


Applicants to the fund will have to provide critical services to families, children, young and older people and meet a range of criteria. Regional panels with community representation will approve applications.


“We want to set up a fund which will enable communities to help for services they believe are critical in their areas. Different communities will have different needs and we want to support them through these tough times,” Ms Bennett says.