Submissions about to close on plan to split Eastern Seaboard ward in two

Thames Coromandel District Council

Monday 25 May 2009, 1:43PM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Submissions are about to close on the proposal to split the current Eastern Seaboard Ward in two for the next two local body elections.

The Council has resolved that its preferred option is for a four-ward structure with separate north and south Eastern Seaboard wards called Mercury Bay Ward and Tairua-Pauanui-Whangamata Ward. Currently the councillors are elected in three wards: Thames, Coromandel-Colville and Coromandel Peninsula East.

There is no change proposed to the number of Councillors (currently eight and a District Mayor).

It is proposed to change the number of Councillors appointed to Community Boards as follows: Thames (3); Coromandel-Colville (1); Mercury Bay Tairua-Pauanui and Whangamata (2 each).

Submissions on the proposed representation options close this Friday with hearings scheduled for July. Submission forms can be downloaded from  or are available in hard copy form at all Council offices and libraries.

If confirmed the proposed ward structure will be in place for the 2010 and 2013 local body elections.